Program offerings
Brighton Recreation strives to offer a mix of adult, child and family-oriented activities designed to get bodies in motion, connect with others and take advantage of our amazing outdoor spaces.
Follow our calendar to keep up to date with current programming.

run walk bike club
Join a walking crew, bike around the lake, try the suggested weekly running workout. A great family-friendly way to explore and get exercise.

Outdoor circuit training
Take in the beauty of Island Pond lake as you're led through a full body outdoor circuit training class.

guided hikes/walks
Take a guided hike up Bluff Mountain or examine the carnivorous plants of Moose Bog.

youth sports
Seasonal offerings of youth soccers clinics, indoor basketball leagues, and more.

Family activity nights
Join us at the municipal building for a family friendly activity night. Dodgeball, basketball, movie nights, bingo and more.
activity calendar
Follow our activity calendar to stay up to date on what we’re offering. Click on a highlighted tab to see what class is happening on a given day.